Hey, I'm Tia! 

For High Achieving Women to help reconnect to their feminine energy, reclaim their sexy confidence, and have mind blowing full body orgasms. 

Sign up for VIP and get your 
5 Steps to Mind Blowing Sex workshop
You Feel tapped in, turned on with your life, relationships, and intimacy! 

I help you Harness your Power & Confidence in the Bedroom and the Boardroom   

You feel uninhibited and free to fully express yourself and your desires

You came to the right place

Does this sound familiar..? 

You get caught up in thoughts during intimacy instead of in your body

You don’t feel confident or safe in your body to be vulnerable with your partner or other partners 

You don’t believe that self pleasure is a priority, you don’t feel it is productive and you have no idea how to change this mindset 

You keep looking in the mirror and pointing out your flaws, pinching your body, and thinking that you’ll love yourself once you reach a goal or weight. 

You hold back online and in person, you think that what you truly want to share, say, or act will not be accepted by your friends or family.

You keep attracting unhealthy relationships that are narcissistic, emotionally available, or toxic. 

You consistently repeat past relationship patterns even though you know what needs to change 

You have a great partner but your relationship has become more like friends and you aren’t sure how to reignite that passion and fire that you once had 

You feel like you have to constantly be the one to make the plans, take the initiative, or do the things to get anything done 

You enjoy sex but you often do it for your partner, you aren’t sure how to get your own needs met 

TedX Talk: Break Out of Shame, Own your Confidence by Tia Lynn

Who this is for..

You are a highly driven woman who knows she deserves the love of your life and is willing to do the work to make needed changes 

You are a woman who wants to get to the root of her blocks to have deep amazing love, mind blowing sex and relationships. 

You are willing to dive deep into your past patterns, traumas, and relationships and rewire your mind and limiting beliefs and create new habits and stories to release them for good 

You want to fully embody your feminine, sensual side and feel confident in your body from the inside out 

You are willing to do the work, get deep and honest with yourself and breakthrough it.  

You're eager to shed the obstacles hindering your path to experiencing the incredible pleasure and intimacy you crave the most

      We’re going to go deep into what is holding you back in the bedroom, understand and remove those blocks, build yourself from the inside out, and build healthy relationship patterns with yourself and others. 

      I will help you learn your pleasure, turn ons, and what works best for your body while feeling safe. You will learn how to use your voice and communicate effectively. 

        What you'll achieve: 

        Feel confident as fuck with who you are and able to own your uniqueness in any setting with a idgaf attitude that is magnetic 

        Walk into any room with unfuckablewith Rihanna confidence 

        Feel safe to share your wants, needs, and desires with confidence and walk away from anyone that doesn’t meet your standards 

        You KNOW that you are so fucking awesome that no matter what, you will find an amazing healthy
         relationship because you are open and ready for love and attract potential suitors everywhere you go 

        You have found a new mind blowing capacity for pleasure that takes you to new depths and levels you never thought possible 

        You will feel desirable, sexy, and magnetic when you walk into the room

        You will feel tapped in and turned on, and safe in your body, with the ability to hold your boundaries, and state your needs, wants and desires. 

            Marketing, Confidence, Sex Coaching Breakthrough Session
            Let's do an intensive Breakthrough strategy session - this is a ONE time offer where we can go over your Marketing, Sales, Confidence, or an area you'd like to work on and improve your business. I've done many website, instagram, social media, content audits and you'll get a lot of VALUE. 

            What you will learn with many tools

            What makes you truly unique and stand out and how to embrace your true self to the world and become magnetic af 

            How to connect to your sexuality and sensuality from a place of peace and safety 

            How to communicate in an effective and feminine way that inspires your partner to step up and provide instead of having to control and dictate 

            How to build habits to deal with those rough times of self doubt and fears and how to step into your unique power and confidence. 

            How to balance your masculine and feminine energy in relationships, life, and sex

            How to deeply connect to your feminine energy and let go of control, surrender, and be in your body. 

            Tools & Skills you will learn: 

              Self Love & Body Image 
              Rewiring limiting beliefs 
              Mirror Work 
              Erotic Blueprint style 
              Self Pleasure Practices 
              Improving pleasure 
              Sex Magic & Manifestation 
              Feminine Embodiment & Communication 
              Pleasure Mapping 
              Emotional Release 
              Release Shame & Judgement 
              Masculine and Feminine Balance 
              Shadow Work 
              Dearmoring the Yoni and Releasing
              Building up sensation to Yoni 
              Tantric Practices and intimacy exercises 

            This is for YOU if.. 

            • You are willing to go deep, find past patterns and do the difficult work to create change 
            • You are willing to connect to yourself, your body, and your pleasure
            • You are willing to let go of the past, heal, and see a new way 
            • ​You are willing to go deep within yourself and learn your strengths and weaknesses and step into power and confidence in your life. 

            This is NOT for you if.. 

            • You are willing to go deep, find past patterns and do the difficult work to create change 
            • You are willing to connect to yourself, your body, and your pleasure
            • You are willing to let go of the past, heal, and see a new way 
            • ​You are willing to go deep within yourself and learn your strengths and weaknesses and step into power and confidence in your life. 

            How it works: 

            We will meet 3X a month for 3-6 months online via zoom 

            Our zoom sessions will go deep, I can help you break through past patterns, beliefs and go over next steps that are customized to you. I will give you some healing work that includes inner work, journaling, self love practices that are deep and enjoyable. 

            You will have access to me during the week to ask questions and get support from me via voice or audio and time to work on your pleasure work. 

            I will be here for you to break through those beliefs holding you back, help you if you get stuck and take those scary actions with support, guidance and a cheerleader. 

            YOU will be blown away how much more FREE and confident you will feel as you are NOW!! 

            You will tap into new levels of pleasure and connection you did not even know existed! 

            Client Testimonials 

            Testimonial from one of my Coaching Clients!!! - Kelley Rowland 

            If you are READY to work with me now, you are feeling that pull and it's a F* YES! Here's the option to go all in and start now! 

            Let's take your Pleasure to the next level!!! 

            I have various options from self-led courses, workshops, to group coaching courses and different 1:1 options from an intro call to 3-6 months of coaching. Dm me or book a 20 min pleasure call today! 

            My most populare full priced 3 month package is available to purchase below! 

            Sexy Biz Babe Podcast
            Available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, iHeartRadio, CastBox, Google, Amazon, and more! 
            Who am I? 

            My name is Tia Lynn, I grew up in a religious, small town in Utah and always felt like I was way too much, too sexy, and too bold. 

            This type of judgment created a lot of shame around my sexuality and pleasure which dimmed my confidence in all areas of my life: particularly in sexual settings! 

            I didn’t feel accepted by my friends, family and community until I decided to make a change and move to California. After moving, I dove into shadow work, spirituality, and I learned how to heal the shame that I was holding onto.

            I now have never felt more confident, happy, and sexually free. 

            I use to struggle in relationships because I was always doing, achieving, and getting stuff done, I realized I was attracting men that didn't know how to lead and so I was doing everything, which left me exhausted. 

            Once I learned how to tap more into my feminine energy and surrender to the masculine, I've been able to let go, receive and attract more divine masculine partners. 

            I've done years of therapy, coaching, shadow work, spiritual work and I take you through the 8 Step process that I went through! I've coached thousands on confidence, pleasure, and shame through workshops, courses, and 1:1 work. I've studied the erotic blueprints, worked with sex coaches and watched my clients transform. 

            This is my purpose work and I'm here to create change! 

            My MISSION is to help millions of women: 

             Break free from societal, religious, and sexual shame

            Own their inner sexy confidence and have the 

            BEST Sex of their life while making more money doing what they love!! 

            Clients & Companies I've Worked with: 

            I'LL SHOW YOU HOW
            Join my Facebook Group to get AWESOME Free Trainings! 
            Click the link below - 
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