Work with Me: 

ONLINE Courses • Group coaching • 1:1 Coaching

Stop working yourself to the bone. You don't have to push uphill to make sales, you don't have to be someone else, no need to copy your coaches or other successful people in the industry; it's time to make money in your business by connecting to YOUR purpose, what lights you up, and what makes you unique. 
This is a group program to connect to your purpose, pleasure, power to increase profit 

Become a Confident & Magnetic Sexy Goddess 

🔥Connecting to your feminine energy 
🔥Step out of shame around being sexy 
🔥Communicate your needs, wants, and desires 
🔥Ignite your Pleasure and magnetism to feel DESIRED 
🔥Feel Sexy & Confident in the BODY you have NOW! 
🔥 Feel deeply embodied in your feminine energy and open to receive

Group Coaching Course

For Purpose-driven Coaches that are READY: 

SIGN $3K, $5K, $10K CLIENTS in a way that feels good to YOU! 

Profitable Pinterest Course

Create Consistent Traffic, Leads, & Sales!


Learn how to grow your business on Pinterest

Instagram Course 

Instagram is a great way to grow your business and attract your target audience to increase your sales!!!! 

Here's what you learn: 
What to post
How to use hashtags 
What not to post
What to post on stories
How to attract your target audience and lead them to the sale
"Before working with Tia I was lost on who my ideal client should be and thought I needed to work with anyone and everyone since I was just starting out. Tia helped me break through those beliefs, attract ideal clients through targeted marketing,  AND helped me raise my rates. I was terrified to pitch my high-ticket price but was able to close my first call! Working with Tia has helped me boost my confidence and step outside of my comfort zone to grow and scale and be the leader I know I have been called to be. I currently have 4 clients and Tia is continuing to help me push to the next level and do the things I would never have done on my own."
Next Level Leader Coach
Kelley Rowland
"...And after our first week, I attracted my first high-ticket client! It seemed really random how she found me, but it was because Tia helped me get into that magnetic energy and I was open and available to receive a client without NEEDING her to be my client. She really helped me get clear on who my ideal client is and how to speak specifically to her, which has had my engagement on social media go way up. My branding looks a lot cleaner now, too, it’s more streamlined and I was finally able to make my messaging clear and concise, so much so that I changed my business name and direction more to get it more aligned. 

It was a really powerful experience working with Tia and if you’re on the fence about joining the program, just go for it!"
Love & Communication Coach
Stacey Farrell
Are you READY to Sign up those clients that NEED you! 


  • ​YOU are sick of hiding behind a screen pretending to be perfect and put together when the REAL you is fun, unique, and stand out!!! 
  • ​You have tried other coaches boring strategy and it made you feel stiffened and suffocated and you just want to let your freak flag and creativity out to build a business you LOVE 
  • ​You've got some clients here and there but want to build a business that gets your clients transformations not just one off sessions 
  •   CREATE marketing that SCREAMS you and isn't overwhelming to stick with
  • ​This is your PASSION, your PURPOSE, the time is NOW and you have to get paid to do your work so you are READY
  •  Feeling stuck, you know your gifts are of high, high service but not sure how to get paid for your worth
  •  You feel you have to have everything perfect BEFORE you get next level clients
  •   You feel like you need to lower your prices to get more clients... but that doesn't feel right 
  •  Coming up against a wall when it comes to marketing and sales
  •  YOU are ready to take your business to the next level and enjoy your marketing and sales process
Close your Soulmate Clients and Charge Your Worth! 

AFTER Working with ME: 
  •  YOU build a business that YOU love that is centered around YOU 
  • ​YOUR marketing and branding just screams YOU and you are attracting soulmate clients by having fun, showing your personality and being more YOU 
  • ​YOU are clear on what you bring to your clients, what transformations you put them through, and you feel so good with SELLING! 
  • ​YOU are now getting messages of people ready to work with you, they can't wait to talk to you and you are excited to jump on calls with them! 
  • ​YOU are no longer playing in the back seat to your life you are taking action and seeing results! 
  • ​YOU have build up your confidence around your product and services so you can just jump on LIVES, PODCASTS, and webinars and know what to say 
  • ​YOUR content is POWERFUL, it helps create change, it stands out, and attracts your soul mate clients that light you up 
  • ​YOU never run out of content because you now have a whole calendar, notebook filled with ideas, you know your strengths and you are ready to flyyyyyy in your business 
Client Testimonials 
Want to work with Tia 1:1? 
Tia's private mentorship is an exclusive, highly limited opportunity. She only takes on 3 clients at a time and spots fill up quick. 
This is perfect for someone who wants: 
  •  Access to Tia while growing, breaking through ceilings and stepping into next levels in your business 
  •  Uncovering your specific passion, gifts, and message you are here to SPEAK to the world and get HIGHLY paid to do your souls work. 
  •  Helps you focus on the BIG Picture, Your Purpose and the end result so you don't get lost in the hamster wheel of to do lists but don't get you to your end result
  •  Helps you BUST through road blocks, mindset blocks, and fear and doubt that block you from success 
  •  Helps you HONE in on your Zone of Genius and AMPLIFY your gifts and find YOUR unique way to build a business you love with her 7 years background in Marketing and Sales to help you LEVEL up your marketing on any platform 
  •  Help you create a Brand, Marketing, and SALES Strategy that is centered around none other than YOUUUUUU and what YOUUU are good at. I will not make you do it my way, I use my intuitive gifts and personality analysis to amplify what you are good at so you can grow your business long term. I HATE the one size fits all strategy. 
  •  Defy the odds and build a business that lights you UP, get Highly paid, and have fun while doing it! You can have it all the hot sex, loving relationship, sexy business, and all the fun and financial freedom! I can help you balance your life and business so you don't end up chained to a desk and hating your business.
  • ​ Build a business around YOU, your passion, what you enjoy, and strategies you can stick to - I don't teach you what worked for me, I teach you how to find what will work for you and your business
  • ​Create evergreen content to help your business become automated so you don't have to always be working - utilizing websites, sales pages, courses, podcasts, speaking gigs, and more 
  • ​Balance your masculine and feminine energy in business. I've learned business isn't all about doing, it's also about flow, receiving, and honing in on your divine feminine energy 

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity! 
- Albert Einstein 
The Deets: 
Ready to step into your POWER and build a business around YOU! 
I'm READY to Change my LIFE!! 
Let's do this! 
No more doing everyone's one size fits all business strategies. 

This is about your purpose, your passion, your specific gifts and Unleashing your Feminine FIRE that lights and build your business YOUR WAY!!! 

How is this Program Different? 
  •  We will focus on strategy, routine, and mindset - We will go over what is working and not working in your business, I will also see what is getting in your way to help you change your mindset for SUCCESS and steps to Conquer your FEARS that are holding you back. 
  •  This is a customized program made for YOUR business, talents, expertise, goals, personality, and resources so we can build a business that YOU LOVE with your passions that make you happiest! 
  •  I have launched 3 businesses from the ground up and worked for several companies fixing all their branding, marketing, and strategies to amplify their message and target the right clients to improve their business and profits. 
  •  This program includes everything from how to optimize your Website and Branding, copyrighting, social media strategies, to course creation and how to attract your ideal client through your content. 
  •  I will hold Training Sessions -  to teach you the Marketing skills you need like, Facebook Ads, ClickFunnels, Facebook Lives, Content Creation, Branding Strategies, SEO, Website Design, Graphics, so YOU will know the skills and not have to hire people. 
Together what will we do? 
  •  Identify Your Niche, what you enjoy the most and build multiple income streams and the strategy around what aspect of your business brings you the most JOY 
  •  Get REAL specific on your Ideal client and how to write the right content to attract them to you
  •  Create the right marketing content that you like best and create a strategy to bring in the money
  •  Identify what limiting beliefs are holding you back and work on money mindset to attract the abundance and money you desire  
  •  Steps to CONQUER YOUR FEARS - with your own cheerleader to root you on through the journey! 
  •  Identify Your Purpose and Passion and how you can make money while pursuing your DREAMS!
  •  Get More done in ONE week that would usually take months with your Accountability partner and access to me via voice messenger when you get STUCK!! 
  •  Skyrocket your Success with a step by step plan that I have done and learned from over 4 different mentors and coaches. I will share the knowledge that you need to get you to LEVEL UP!
JOIN my group for FREE trainings and amazing women on the same journey!
Level Up with Tia 2018, All Rights Reserved

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